Identifikasi longsoran bawah laut berdasarkan penafsiran seismik pantul di perairan Flores


  • Kris Budiono Puslitbang Geologi Kelautan Jl. Dr. Djundjunan 236 Bandung 40174, Indonesia



submarine sliding, tsunami, Flores Sea


Submarine sliding frequently cause tsunami or a high velocity big wave around the submarine slid- ing area which enable to reach a long distance. This sliding is not always as a causal factor for hazard and even associate with storm and earthquake. Some of them occur in a narrow area and it’s just formed due to gravitational movement. Different with mechanism of landslide, which is commonly due to water saturated soil, the submarine sliding is a more complex event.

The submarine sliding is an important natural process which causes a big volume of sediment mass moves from a shallow area to a much deeper area of seafloor. There are many types and causal factors of seafloor instability, but the sliding terminology is predominantly used for the phenomena. A variety of seafloor materials, environments and sediment masses are some extreme influential factors in creat- ing the types of submarine sliding. The reflector of seismics is usefull to interpret the indications of the occurrence of geological structure and sub-marine slumping

In case of the Flores Sea, earthquake is a major causal factor for creating submarine sliding. The bigger magnitude of earthquake, the greater the dimension of submarine sliding. Eventually, it may affect to the more possible occurrence of a potential hazardous tsunami.



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How to Cite

Budiono, K. (2009). Identifikasi longsoran bawah laut berdasarkan penafsiran seismik pantul di perairan Flores. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 4(1), 9–17.




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