Indonesian Journal On Geoscience (IJOG)
Geological Agency
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Republic of Indonesia
IJOG Reviewer Team:
- Dr. Maria Mastalerz / Coal, Organic Petrology and Geochemistry / USA (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Haryadi Permana / Hardrock Petrology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- James Goff, Ph.D. / Tsunami / Australia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Yahdi Zaim / Paleontology / Nannofossil / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Guy Holdgate / Sedimentary, Petroleum and Coal Geology / Australia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Rachmat Fajar Lubis / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Romeo M. Flores / Basin Sedimentology, Coal and Coalbed Methane / USA (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Hamzah Latief / Seismology and Tsunami / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Robert J. Morley / Palynology / England (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Datin Fatia Umar / Coal Processing / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Kevin Jones / Radio Carbon Dating, Archeology, and Planetary Geology / USA (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. D. Hendra Amijaya / Unconventional Energy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Theo van Leeuwen / Minerals / Netherlands (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Benyamin Sapiie / Structural Geology and Tectonics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sadiq Zarrouk / Geothermal / Australia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. I Wayan Warmada / Minerals and Economic Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Kevin Welsh / Sedimentology and Paleoecology / Australia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Arifudin Idrus / Minerals and Economic Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Jean C. Komorowski / Geomechanics, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation / Japan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Subagjo P. / Tectonics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Khoiril Anwar Maryunani / Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Kaydy Pinetown / Coal and Unconventional Gas / Australia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. D. Erwin Irawan / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Anh Ngoc Lee, Ph.D. / Petroleum Geology / Vietnam (Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Wan Hasiah Abdulah / Coal Petrology and Petroleum Geochemistry / Malaysia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ramlan Omar / Micropaleontology / Malaysia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Komang Anggayana / Coal Petrology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Agus Laesanpura / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Leah Moore / Regolith Geology and Soil Science / Australia (SCOPUS Preview | ResearchGate)
- Mike Friedrich, M.Sc. / Coal / Australia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sc. Yoga A.Sendjaja / Volcanic Geochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. C. Prasetyadi / Structural Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sri Hidayati / Volcanology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Lambok M. H. / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Indra Gunawan / Sedimentology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Lina Handayani / Seismics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Rubiyanto Kapid / Micropaleontology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Nugroho Imam Setiawan / Metamorphic Petrology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Agung Harijoko / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sugeng Sapto Surjono / Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. E. Sunardi, M.Sc / Stratigraphy, Sedimentology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. A.M. Imran / Carbonate Geology and Sedimentology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Mahfud Arifin / Soil Science / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sri Mulyaningsih / Volcanology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Eko Budi Lelono / Palinology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Sutopo, M.Eng / Geothermal Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Rina Devnita, M.Sc. / Soil Science / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Teuku Y. W. M. Iskandar / Environmental Geology and Tsunami / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Akhmad Riqqi, M.Si. / Remote Sensing and GIS / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Niniek Rina Herdianita / Geothermal / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Imam A. Sadisun, M.T / Engineering Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D. / Minerals and Economic Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Vijaya I. / Micropaleontology - Nanno / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Igan S. Sutawidjaja, M.Sc. / Physical Volcanology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Khalid Abdulsamad Al-Ramadan / Petroleum Geology, Geochemistry and Sequence Stratigraphy / Saudi Arabia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Masato Iguchi / Volcanology and Disaster Prevention / Japan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. A. Nanang T. Puspito M.Sc. / Geophysics and Seismology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Sukir M., M.Si., Ph.D / Volcano Geophysics and Seismology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Meutia Farida, M.T. / Micropaleontology-Nannofossil / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. M. Nukman M.Sc / Geothermal Exploration, Ore Deposits / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Eng. Suryantini / Geothermal Exploration and Minerals / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Adi Maulana / Metamorphic Rocks / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr.rer.nat. Doni P. Eka Putra, M.T. / Hydrology, Environmental Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Gatot Yuliyanto, S.Si., M.Si. / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Cipta Endyana, MT. / Hydrology-GIS / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. S. Widiyantoro,Ph.D. / Seismology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha / Geophysics-Seismology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Didit H. Barianto, Ph. D. / Remote Sensing, Carbonates, Stratigraphy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sunaryo, S.Si., M.Si. / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Mirzam Abdurrachman / Volcanic Rocks / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ma’ruf Mukti, M.Sc. / Sedimentary Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Thomas Tindell / Mineralization / USA (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Susilohadi / Marine Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hananto / Seismics and Earthquake / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Emi Sukiyah / GIS, Geomorphology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Hung Dang Tran, Ph.D. / Geologist / Vietnam (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Koichiro Watanabe / Hazard Geology, Volcanic, Geothermal / Japan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. H. Matsueda / Mineralization / Japan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Darharta Dahrin / Geophysical Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Hendra Grandis / Geophysics-Geothermal Exploration / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. R.D. Hewson (Rob) / Geophysics, Seismic Interpretation / The Netherland (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sri Yudawati Cahyarini / Paleoclimate, Paleoceanography, Coral, Geochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Jess Trofimovs / Sedimentology, Tsunami / Australia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. M. M. Ali Khan / Hydrogeology, Hydrogeochemistry / Malaysia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Ir. D. Abdassah, Ph.D. / Petroleum & Reservoir Engineering, Hydrocarbon / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Fatkhan / Rock Physics, Seismic Attributes. Seismic Anisotrophy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. John De Vos / Fossil Macrovertebrates / Netherland (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Sigit Sukmono. / Petroleum Seismology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Duncan Witts / Stratigraphy and Sedimentology / England (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Wahyu Srigutomo, Ph.D. / Earth Physics, Geophysical Modeling / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Pham Van Tuan, Ph.D. / Petroleum Geology / Vietnam (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. M. Hail Hakimi / Petroleum Geochemistry / Yamen (ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Winantris, M.S. / Micropaleontology, Palinology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Ir. Iswandi I., Ph.D. / Material and Structure / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Anas Puri, M.T. / Civil Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Luli Gustiantini, M.T. / Micropaleontology, Oceanography, Paleoceanography / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Salah El Hadidy Youssef / Seismics, Seismotectonic / Saudi Arabia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Hery Harjono / Geophysics and Tectonophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Maria Sekar Proborukmi ST,M.Sc. / Paleontology and Quaternary Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Komoo / Geoenvironment, and Geotourism / Malaysia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Hanik Humaida, M.Sc. / Volcanology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Andy Setyo Wibowo / Petroleum Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Yudhicara, S.T., M.Si. / Tsunami / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Hossein Kouhestani,Ph.D / Economic Geology / Iran (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Hiroyoshi Sano / Sedimentology / Japan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Hiroo Yoshiyama / Geothermal / Japan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Katsuaki Koike / Remote Sensing / Japan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- O. Prambada S.T., M.Sc. / Volcanology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Wiwit Suryanto / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si. / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. I G. B. Eddy Sucipta, S.T., M.T. / Petrology, Volcanology, Geochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Imam Suyanto, M.Si. / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Rer.nat. Sintya Windi Niasari, M.Eng. / Applied Geophysics and Geothermal / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Muksin M.Si., M.Phil. / Seismology, Geophysics and Geological Hazards / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Nazli Ismail, Ph.D. / Geophysical Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. MaKruf Nurudin, M.P. / Soil Science / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Azwar Ma’as / Soil Science / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ainun Jeni Pulungan / Soil Science / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Junun Sartohadi / Physical / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Dwiharso Nugroho / Geodynamics, Stratigraphy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Suryo Prakoso, MT / Reservoir / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Surya Darma, MBA / Geothermal / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- lr. Andi Agus Nur, M.T. / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Eng. Asep Saepuloh / Remote Sensing Volcanologist / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Eng. Ferian Anggara / Reservoir Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. M. Heri Hermiyanto Zajuli, / Sedimentology and Organic Geochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Nana Sulaksana / Geomorphology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sumaryono, M.Eng. / Volcanology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. A. Solikhin, DEA. / Remote Sensing and GIS / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Rodeano Roslee / Engineering Geology / Malaysia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. M. Sapari Dwi Hadian / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Agus M. Ramdhan / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr Gerald Tamuntuan / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Agustan / Geomatics and Earth Observation / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Salahuddin Husein / Sedimentology and structural Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Ahmad Taufiq, Ph.D / Hydrogeology and engineering geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Rini Kusumawardhani / Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Teguh P. Sidiq, M.T. / Geodesy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Mehdi Torabi Kaveh / Engineering Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Lai Van Qui / Geotechnical Engineering / Vietnam (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Azubuike Elueze / Economic Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Ir. Ketut W., Ph.D. / Remote Sensing / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Agus Setyo Mutohar, Ph.D. / Soil Improvement, Sustainable Materials / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Husein Al Hasanat / Geographic Information System / Jordan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Hani Alamoush / Geophysics / Jordan (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Ir. M. Ali Ashat, Dipl. Geothermal Tech. / Geothermal / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Hariyanto, M.Si. / Geography / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Eng. Agus Setyawan / Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Nandi Haerudin / Geothermal Exploration / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Purwanto, M.T / Civil Engineering and Structure / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Irwan Iskandar / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Yanuar Hamzah / Physics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Godang Shaban / Geochemistry and REE / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aniza Ibrahim / Civil Engineering / Malaysia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Muhammad Mukhlisin / Soil and Civil Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Heriansyah Putra / Soil and Civil Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Herry Riswandi, S.T., M.T. / Tectonics and Structural Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Didi Supriadi Agustawijaya, Ph.D. / Geotechnical Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Benny Joy, M.S. / Soil Chemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Priatna, M.T. / Geochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Ir. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, Ph.D. / Geothermal / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Heru Berian Pratama, S.T, M.T. / Geothermal, Reservoir Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Rakhmat Fakhruddin, S.T., M.T. / Palynology, Sedimentology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. R. M. Riza Atmadibrata, M.T. / Petroleum Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. rer. nat. Ernowo, S.T., M.T., / Minerals and Economic Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Iwan Setiawan / REE, Strategic Mineral Exploration / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Firman Herdiansyah, S.T., M.T. / Sedimentology & Stratigraphy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ing. Semeidi Husrin, S.T. M.Sc / Oceanography, Oceanology, Coastal Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Chay Asdak, Ph.D. / Soil and Water Conservation / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. mont. Andy Yahya Al Hakim, S.T., M.T / Economic Geology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. M. Farid, M.S / Applied Geophysics, Earthquake Seismology, Mitigation / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sri Widodo / Organic Geochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jazaul Ikhsan / Water resources engineering, Numerical Simulation / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Najib, Ph.D. / Landslide / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Chalid Idham Abdullah / Earthquake, seismic anisotrophy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Hendy Setiawan, Ph.D. / Landslide susceptibility, engineering geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Bambang Widarsono, M.Sc. / Reservoir engineering, petrophysics, and earth sciences history / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Rena Misliniyati / Geotechnical Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Ir. Anastasia Dewi Titisari, M.T., Ph.D. / Mineral Resources / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Purwanto, M.T. / Engineering Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Eng. I Nyoman Sudi Parwata / Environmental Engineering and Remote Sensing / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Taat Setiawan, S.T., M.T. / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Theophila Listyani Retno Astuti / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Norbert Simon / Geological Maping and GIS/Malaysia(SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Dewi Gentana, S.T., M.T. / Geothermal / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. Noor Cahyo D. A / Petrology, Marine Geology, Minerals / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Adrin Tohari / Geotechnical Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ronaldo Irzon / Geochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Eng. Ir. Agung Setianto, S.T., M.Si., IPM. / Petrophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Fitriani Agustin,S.T., M.Sc. / Remote Sensing Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Banu Ardi Hidayat, S.T., M,T. / Structure (Civil) / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Wahju Krisna Hidajat, M.T. / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Estu Kriswati, M.Sc. / Volcanology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Arie N. Hawu Hede / Mineral Exploration / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Husin Setia Nugraha, S.T., M.Sc. / Spatial Analysis / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Athanasius Cipta, M.Sc. / HVSR Microtremor / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ir. M. Syaiful, M.Sc. / Petroleum Geoscience / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Sena W. Reksalegora / Oil and Gas / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Vera Sadarviana / Landslide / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Dwi Sarah / Engineering Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Priyo Hartanto / Hydrogeochemistry / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Supartoyo / Earthquake / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Ir. Asdani Suhaimi, Dipl. Seis. / Seismotectonic / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Tiggi Choanji, S.T., M.T. / Structural Geology and Tectonics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dadan Damayandri S.M. S, B.Sc, M.Eng. / Reservoirs / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Ery Arifullah, Ph.D. / Ichnology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Xiaoyu Zou, Ph.D. / Earth Sciences / China (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Eng. Budi Muljana, M.T. / Stratigraphy and Sedimentology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Asep Kurnia Permana, S.T., M.Sc. / Unconventional Fossil Energy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Robert M. Delinom / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Triadi Putranto / Hydrogeology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Drs. Ir. Adi Susilo,, Ph.D. / Groundwater Mangrove / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr.phil.nat. Ir. Agus Haris Widayat, S.T, M.T. / Organic Petrology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ayi Syaeful Bahri / Near Surface Geophysics / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Wahyu Triyoso, M.Sc. / Seismology Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Arifan Jaya Syahbana / Geotechnic / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- I Gde Budi Indrawan, Ph.D. / Geotecnical Engineering / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Prof. Dr. Dietriech G. Bengen, DEA. / Marine Ecology and Management / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Ing. Widodo S. Pranowo, S.T., M.Si. / Oceanography / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Fatimah S.T., M.Sc. / Unconventional Fossil Energy / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
- Dr. Dicky Muslim / Engineering Geology / Indonesia (SCOPUS Preview | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)