Comparative Study among Bivariate Statistical Models in Landslide Susceptibility Map


  • Yukni Arifianti Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency, Indonesia
  • Pamela Pamela Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency, Indonesia
  • Fitriani Agustin Geological Survey Institute, Geological Agency, Indonesia
  • Dicky Muslim Faculty of Geological Engineering, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia



frequency ratio, weight of evidence, information value, Cianjur



The main purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of bivariate statistical models i.e. Frequency Ratio, Weight of Evidence, and Information Value for landslide susceptibility assessment. These models were applied in Cianjur Regency, West Java Province (Indonesia), in order to map the landslide susceptibility and to rate the importance of landslide causal factors. In the first stage, a landslide inventory map and the input layers of the landslide conditioning factors were prepared in the Geographic Information System (GIS) supported by field investigations and remote sensing data. The 298 landslides were randomly divided into two groups of modeling/training data (70%) and validation/test data sets (30%). The landslide conditioning factors considered for the studied area were slope angle, elevation, slope aspect, lithological unit, and land use. Subsequently, the thematic data layers of conditioning factors were integrated by frequency ratio (FR), weight of evidence (WofeE), and information value (IV). Model performance was tested with receiver operator characteristic analysis. The validation findings revealed that the three models showed promising results since the models gave good accuracy values. The success rates of FR, WofE, and IV models were 0.920, 0.926, and 0.930, while the prediction rates of the three models were 0.913, 0.912, and 0.895, respectively. However, the FR model was proved to be relatively superior in estimating landslide susceptibility throughout the studied area.


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How to Cite

Arifianti, Y., Pamela, P., Agustin, F., & Muslim, D. (2020). Comparative Study among Bivariate Statistical Models in Landslide Susceptibility Map. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 7(1), 51–63.




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