Reaktivitas Sesar Kaligarang, Semarang


main principal stress
active fault

How to Cite

Poedjoprajitno, S., Wahyudiono, J., & Cita, A. (2008). Reaktivitas Sesar Kaligarang, Semarang. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 3(3), 129–138.


Kaligarang Fault which cuts across Semarang City in a north-south direction has been activated for long periods. During Tertiary time, the Kaligarang Fault experienced a dextral wrench movement, which was triggered by a tectonic activity during that time, with a maximum principal stress (σ 1) in a northeast - southwest direction. While on Quaternary time, this fault was reactivated as a sinistral wrench fault. Reactivation of this fault was caused by a principal stress (σ 2) in a north east - south last direction.


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