Variation Parameters of The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Model for Tsunami Prone Area Mapping in The Northern Part of Aceh Province
tsunami height, fault model, correlation coefficient, RMSEAbstract
A total of ten tsunami events occurred in Aceh Province from 1991 to 2012. This condition confirms that Aceh
Province is very vulnerable to tsunami hazards. In 2004, a tsunami occurred due to the activity of the subduction zone on
the west coast of Aceh with a magnitude of Mw 9.3. Since the 2004 tsunami, research on tsunamis has increased. The aim
of this study is to reconstruct the 2004 tsunami models, to find out which models are suitable for the events of 2004. There
are at least five models of earthquake source faults used for tsunami modeling in this study. The tsunami modeling was
carried out numerically using the Tohoku University’s Numerical Analysis Model Investigation (TUNAMI) programme.
The maximum height obtained from the modeling is 58,05 m at the shoreline. The maximum height obtained from the
best model is 17,73 m on land. The M5 fault model produced a tsunami height model that best matches the observation
results validated by lowest RMS and highest correlation coefficient values
Keywords: tsunami height, fault model, correlation coefficient, RMSE
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